Tuesday, November 26, 2013

One Hill, One Life, One Journey

It’s one hill, one life, one journey.
It’s up to you to live well.

We all have struggles, temptations, let downs, and setbacks. We have good days, bad days, horrible days, and perfect days.

           The biggest thing we face is what a lot of people like to call the spiritual rollercoaster, when you feel so spiritually alive and closer to God than ever and suddenly you get in a mood or something happens and it feels like you’ve been extradited to a lonely island in the middle of nowhere. It seems like there is no reception and you feel like the old Verizon commercials where the guy goes from place to place saying “can you hear me now?” but instead of saying “good” we say nothing, cause it’s like we hear… nothing, we feel nothing but emptiness, and loneliness. You go through your life but even that losses its excitement, you no longer have the drive you used to have to go change the world, you let the lies of your flesh and the lies of the enemy drag you down so deep that you begin to question why this all matters. It seems so much easier to experiment with what everyone says, what everyone watches on TV, what everyone does even though at the end of the day when you crawl into bed you just feel empty…
         You cry out to God inside and your mind is flooded with thoughts of the past, you’re reminded of everything you did, or didn’t do. To escape the depression you try to surround yourself with people, you love to be around people! But you catch weird glances, maybe that girl didn’t smile when you smiled at her, or that guy didn’t say hello back to you when you tried to reach out. All you want to do is return to that place of happiness that you once were in, but even when you pick up your Bible, even that doesn’t seem to do the trick and it once again looks like dead words on a page instead of life in a book.

           In reality it’s not a conventional rollercoaster like we’re used to seeing. It’s a single climb, you either climb to the top, or live in the beginning. Each problem in your life can be brought back to the same issue, to the same beginning. It’s an old style rollercoaster with a chain that pulls you up, it starts to build up with grease and it slips off and rolls back down to where you began. You don’t want to live in the beginning, so you start to scrub yourself off, change things you were doing and you hook back up to the chain. Every day is an option to slip off the chain, and every day there is an opportunity to daily cleanse and clean to keep the grease from building up and loosing height.

           This is the first time I’ve sat down and write something since March, why? I let the grease build up, and I let the chain slip from my car and I started to slide. I’m recognizing the slip, and cleaning up the mess and making the change. So what changed, why did this happen? And how can I keep from slipping again? Good question, and if you have the answer I would love to hear it. The only thing I can say is what I’m doing. I’m going through every teaching, message, and verses I can that I knew fired me up. I’m stocking up my life with everything that could possibly fill me up spiritually, including prayer. You might be thinking of how someone like a Bible college graduate could be going through something like this, it’s easy. Just like your physical body gets weak when we don’t eat, our spiritual walk gets weak when we withhold spiritual food. It’s an every day, every minute feeding. Neglect is the underlying cause for most of the things you struggle with concerning your spiritual walk and it’s up to you to make sure you get fed. 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Why I was a Christian yet hated Church

To Pastors, and leaders.
Anyone who wants to make a difference.

                              Why I was a Christian yet hated Church
          I grew up in church, my freshman year in high school I was done with it, couldn't take the falseness anymore. I asked Jesus into my heart in 2001 yet I always felt like an outsider by those who I thought were my church family. I went to a church for something like 5 years! When my parents left the church I was glad to go. Went to another church and fit in great but something was missing, it was still the same kind of teaching, but I always felt empty, I wasn't sure what kind of god I was living for, one Sunday I hear how he's a loving god, the next Sunday I'm a dirty rotten sinner and god hates me.
         The first time I ever heard God audibly it freaked me out, He didn't condemn me or tell me how terrible I was, He just asked me if I trusted Him. Here I was living the Christian life in front of my church friends, but when I wasn't around them I was swearing, telling dirty jokes all that stuff. God had every right to condemn me, but He didn't. He told me to trust Him, give my life to Him 100% everything laid down, nothing held back. A God I didn't understand was telling me all this, all of this He put in my heart and it never left, still to this day. A verse in the Bible finally came clear to me (Proverbs 3:5) "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings." I didn't understand God, but it finally clicked that even though I didn't understand who God was I was still supposed to trust Him. It was as if God was telling me to step out onto a tight rope and only look forward, to not focus on what I had done or couldn't stop doing but to only look at Him.
           I was a Christian suffering with suicide, and Christians everywhere commit suicide every day. Why is that? Because in churches we're told that we're sinners and that’s all we hear. So we live our lives feeling like we're forever separated from God, so what’s the point of going through the motions, looking like the perfect Christian if it doesn't get us any closer to God, what’s the point of living.
         See what I struggled with was the fact that I couldn't cause harm to myself, I couldn't even rip a bandage off my skin because it stung. So here I was, a Christian with thoughts of suicide, didn't want to live this life anymore because I didn't see myself as worth anything and I couldn't even kill myself. So I thought about joining the military, seemed like a more noble way to go. I mean I could picture in my head the headlines and everything, just messed up stuff. All this while going to church, looking like I had everything together but each night I would fall apart. It was during the quiet times that everything would flood into mind, nothing but negativity, telling myself I wasn't worth anybody's time.

          I got out of that stinking thinking when God asked me that question and opened my eyes to Proverbs 3:5, granted it took a breakup with a girl I thought was the woman of my future for me to sit on my floor in my bedroom, spit in Gods face and tell Him I wasn’t going to do it. Cause I tried to give Him everything, and I thought He gave me her in return cause my mom and dad always told me to seek first the kingdom of God, and all those things I wanted would be added to me. But I lied to myself, made myself believe that she was the one for me. I had one day of separation from God, not even a full day. At around 4pm the next day I went back to the break-room at the job I worked at, put my head on the table and told God I was sorry, that’s all I had to do. He asked me again if I trusted Him, it was almost as if He just needed a true response. Not the good Christian response I always gave of “yeah Lord, of course I do” but an honest response “I don’t know if I can trust you, I don’t know who you are. I need to know you before I can trust you” Proverbs 3:5 “but Lord how can you, a perfect God chase after an imperfect me!” John 3:16[my paraphrase] For God so loved me, that He gave His only son to be made imperfect in place of me, so that through His(Jesus) perfection through the shed blood, death, and resurrection I am made perfect. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

         That’s why God was chasing after me, because when I asked Him into my heart I was made perfect in the Spirit, it wasn’t a perfect God chasing after an imperfect me, but a perfect God chasing after a perfect me. Now my body(flesh), or soul is still imperfect, that’s where the sinful desires come from and that’s where most of the church gets confused. Most churches preach that we’re sinners saved by grace(Ephesians 2:8) which is true, but they leave out the part of grace through faith, we have to believe it to receive it for the grace to save us. When we believe it, have faith in it, then the grace works, saves us, and we’re made new as the righteousness in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

          My parents started going to a new church, smaller in size and I went a couple times but was too caught up in the fact that it was a small church with no live music that I didn’t pay attention to the message. One Sunday I finally did, and everything that God was dealing inside of me this pastor was preaching. God gave me a direction to go but I didn’t know where to begin, and this pastor opened up a whole new chapter in my life through the message that He preached. God told me to go to a Bible college, I had a new love for church and the pastor gave me a list of colleges that taught the same stuff he was preaching. I looked at all of the options and decided to check one out, Charis Bible College where I currently reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

            See what a message of Gods love can do? I no longer struggle with suicide, and I love church. But most of all I know who my savior is, it’s Jesus Christ. I didn’t get anything from church until I went to the right church, the problem with that is every church should be the right church to go to. People shouldn’t feel condemned or not welcome when they walk into your church, they should be shown love, the love of God. God wills that none perish, yet churches turn their backs on sinners when they walk into their “holy” building. They shriek when they hear someone swear in their “holy” building, like God hasn’t heard those words before, and when someone turns their sexual desires against the Bible we kick them out of our church instead of counseling them to find the root of those desires. Most times we just throw the Book(Gods word) at them and tell them the popular phrase among Christians “God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve”, I’m so tired of that line. No matter how truthful it is, it’s beginning to grate on me. It’s our way of pulling the stupid card on someone who is lost, like they don’t already know that.

             We need to step up, step out, and be an example to a lost and dying world!

           We love to tell sinners that God is a good and just judge, and we think that we’re omitted from some truthful judging because we’re His kids. Any judge on this earth would have to account His kid the same as a stranger. Can’t forget to mention this verse to all you leaders in the church (James 3:1 Amplified version) “Not many [of you] should become teachers ([a]self-constituted censors and reproves of others), my brethren, for you know that we [teachers] will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity [than other people; thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation].” This includes Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets, and Apostles.

           So the next time a gay or lesbian walks into your church seeking refuge or advice, or a homeless man looking for a warm meal, and maybe a teenager who has lip rings, tattoos, and gauges in his ear needs help for an addiction, suicide, or cutting. Or a pregnant teen girl thinking of abortion and can’t see any other way out of the mess she’s in. Maybe, just maybe you’ll reach out your hand just as Jesus did, and offer a refuge of safety, and comfort that will in turn save a life, instead of just throwing the book at them. They already know the mess they’re in, the last thing they need is for you to tell them how bad they really are.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What Does Your Life Look Like?

How is your life turning out?

Have you ever been so moved by a blessing from God that you’re to the brink of tears of joy!

That’s how I feel right now.

        I’m sitting at my apartment, 2 months away from me lease being up and moving again, less than 4 months left of school and moving back to Indiana. I cant help but think about my very first blog I had written, the struggles, pain, uncertainties etc.
Now as I’m this close to finishing I’m looking onto a new chapter of my life and it’s exciting, I cant wait to see what all God has next!

      I’m sitting here having accomplished my first year, now almost my second, went on a missions trip and impacted thousands of lives, lived on my own for 2 years and survived and grew both physically as a man, and spiritually. I have met some really great people as well as had some interactions with some sandpaper personalities. I cant say that everything has been great cause I have had my good times and bad, but all together I see now almost 2 great years behind me, and a lifetime ahead of me.

       I went from a young man feeling stuck in a rut headed to nowhere, to still a young man headed to an adventure with my savior. God has given me a gift to teach, gift to preach, give to act out dramas and skits, and now the gift of a creative mind able to create things as their being said with the smallest of detail. I’m currently in the process of writing my very own skit(drama), the writing is done and I’m working on getting the process to completion to perform at the end of year party that we have here at the college.

       I’ve found out things about myself that I questioned. I came here not knowing if I could say no to an enticing girl to knowing that God has given me the strength as a man to step away. I’ve broken down the chains of legalism and found out how much I love people, how much I love listening to people, how much I have a heart for street evangelism, prison outreach, and youth. I finally found myself worth peoples time and effort when before I didn’t see a point in living as I contemplated taking my own life myself or by joining the military.

        I have broken generational curses since I changed over to the bloodline of Jesus Christ, I have found my authority in Christ to heal the sick, give to the poor, comfort the broken hearted. No longer do I live by the worlds standards but Gods, I was created in His image and God said I was good! God told me to trust Him 100%, enough for Him to trust me. He told me to love and see the best in everybody including the President whether I agree with his morals or not because he is the leader of this country and I am called to pray for him. He told me to love those who live off of welfare, love the drug addicts, the poor, the smelly, the corrupt, the murderers, rapists, thieves. When God told me and showed me in His word 1 Corinthians 13:7 in the amplified version to believe the best in every person God meant every person. In the natural we see the outside, but God looks at the heart. So if God looks at the heart and can see something good in the worst of criminals or the worst in leadership and He tells us to love them, then love them, its that plain and that simple to me.

         Some people may not agree with me, some will try to fight me in what I believe and try to change my mind. I welcome the persecution of the church because that is only an affirmation that I am doing the right thing and the devil doesn’t like it. I’m ready to live as Paul did, he praised God in the jails, he was persecuted, stoned and left for dead, bitten by poisonous snakes etc. I will get to the point where sickness and disease cannot hurt me, and I believe fully if someone puts something deadly in my food or drink it will not harm me. Paul was a regular human being just like us, I don’t believe the “scholars” that say all that power and knowledge and miracles died with the disciples and apostles in Bible days. It says God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When Moses came down off the mountain not only did he have the ten commandments but he also had other rules etc. which the people said they would follow all, which included blessings and judgment. But through Christ He has made a new covenant which frees us from the destruction of sin, which through the blood covenant of Jesus made us right with God and enabled us to walk into the throne room of God and call Him Abba Father.

         This is my life, saved by God, ready to do and live out the promises of today to generations to come. This is my calling; this is my job on this earth. I know this is what God wants me to do and I know He will take care of me no matter what challenge comes my way. Come on He put a home schooled kid through Bible College who thought nothing would come from his life, and He brought people into my life to provide the funds to go on a missions trip that would open up my mind to more than I thought was possible. Don’t tell me God doesn’t heal because I saw a cripple man walk, and don’t tell me that God only chooses to heal some and not all because who has the authority to say that the person who was on the brink of death, laying in a hospital bed faced with spinal injuries or head trauma wasn’t healed just because he/she died. Would you rather that person be here on this earth suffering or in heaven healed and sitting at the feet of Jesus?

           Remember to always love, always pray faith, always speak faith and love. Remember to trust and hope earnestly for the things of God. Remember to chase and take hold of your inheritance on this earth because of what Jesus did on the cross.

My motto is no longer “life’s rough then you die” but it’s “life has its challenges, it’s not always easy, step out and make a change, live life to the fullest, and be the man/woman God created you to be

Thanks for reading and I hope and pray for everyone that reads this.

God Bless!

P.S- God wants me to tell you that you’re worth His time, and that He loves you.

He has His arms open, run to Him, and start your new life with Him!

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is God going to say to you when you die?

 Do we really think God is going to say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”?     
      Why are we so ready to leave this earth? Why are we so ready to stand before God and hear Him say well done, you let your country fall away from me, you wasted your talents looking at prophecy and waiting for me. Great job existing on this earth instead of going into the world and making disciples, you kept your life easy, comfortable, stayed in the church.
It’s not about us waiting for God to change people, it’s about the change getting into us and spreading across the world.

       God didn’t allow that guy to go into an elementary school in Connecticut and kill innocent people and children, we did.
Where was the church in all this? The social media and believers try to pick out every possible thing to keep the blame from ourselves saying, well he had mental problems, problems at home etc. Do we ever stop to wonder how he got to the point that he did? We’re quick to point out who he was, not how he got that way. Where were Christians? There are churches and believers in Connecticut, where were they. Why didn’t someone reach out to him? When someone is contemplating something so violent it’s easy to spot, people who are hurting are easy to spot even if they think they hide it well.

      Don’t blame God for something He told us to do, the way our world is, is nobody’s fault but ours.
Jesus told us to go into the world and preach the gospel. That goes for our cities as well! He didn’t just say be born again and sit in a church and feel good for the rest of our lives. We have other churches in other countries doing more and asking for our help. Other countries are looking to us for help when we aren’t even willing to help ourselves.
Are you really expecting God to say well done good and faithful servant when we’ve done nothing to serve or better out country, and nothing to further the kingdom of God?

      Come on! Take off your holy rolling glasses and realize that the church and our country, our world is headed for destruction! All of Gods children are headed to Hell. We as believers are saved from death, so why are we afraid to be persecuted? If we wanted a perfect, easy life we should have never asked Jesus into our hearts. The bible says as Christians we face trials and persecution. Grow a backbone, put on your grown up pants and lets get this thing done. Lets be the change this country, this world needs!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Ultimate Fighter

Imagine this
              Your walking down an alley, a man approaches and you catch a glimpse of something in His hand. He pushes you against a brick wall. You’re disoriented, screaming at your attacker to stop. You try to look him in the eyes but his face is covered by a mask. He begins to beat you, you can feel your body start to give with every impact of his fist to your face, and knee to your side. You don’t know why this is happening, your scared as you realize his intent.. to kill you. You feel your legs give and your body crashes to the ground. You head hits the concrete and you black out.
             You start to wonder in the blackness if your dead, you start to visualize your attacker and try to focus on what he had in his hand, a gun, knife, baseball bat? If He had one of those he would've used it right? It suddenly becomes clear that it’s a piece of paper, on it is your name written in bold black letters. Underneath it reads the following “on this day, punishable by death these sins were committed. By the authority of God I hereby sentence you to life in Hell where you will forever be separated from me.” Underneath it is signed by God.
               You regain consciousness and notice the man who attacked you is arguing with another man. The attacker hits the man and knocks him down next to you, a bright light shines and you start to think of a policeman’s spotlight on his car, your saved. You look to the man next to you and realize that the light is coming from him. You look to your left and notice your attacker running away. The man that was the light now looks like a normal man again, he brushes himself off and offers his hand to help you. He hands you the piece of paper but instead of your name at the top it reads “Redeemed”, below you read “permission from God, to save the lost, heal the sick and the broken, and to make a way for freedom.” The man takes the paper back and signs it in blood. You look at the signature and it reads Jesus Christ.
                You look at this man and ask Him what it means, He looks at you and smiles. He says “It once was my fathers business to punish and judge, and to those who don’t accept my redemption still face the punishment for their sins. I came down to this earth as man, taking the punishment of sin and to bridge the gap so you could live free.” You ask Jesus who the attacker was, “It was satan, with an old worn out paper that he lives by, but is no longer valid. He wears a mask of my father lurking about devouring my followers, convincing them that it is my Father punishing them. Convincing strong believers that its my Fathers perfect will, as they die of sickness before their time.” Jesus puts His hand on your chin, you see a tear fall from His eyes as He tells you He loves you, as he askes one question. “Will you take my love and share it unconditionally? So many of my people are dying because of a lie being spread by parts of my bride the church, will you tell them the truth, tell them that I love them and that I want them to live a fulfilled life on this earth. That’s why I created you here on this earth, not to live and die but to thrive!
              Jesus sheds one final tear, pulls you close and hold onto you not wanting to let you go. Jesus finally turns and walks away as you stand in that alley, moments ago on the brink of death but now with a calling on your life.

I like to visualize things when they come to me, and as I sat in my class one day in school it was as if I entered a new world. I could feel the cold brick, the crisp fall air. I heard the street noises and saw the lights. I could feel the impacts from the hits on my body, I closed my eyes and saw the exact movements of the attacker, everything that happened in the story above I experienced as if I was there. As the visual was flowing through my mind, my pencil was furiously writing on my notepad. Such a passion rose up in me as I pictured strong Christians leave this earth, not fulfilling or even realizing what they were put on this earth to do. The inspiration for this blog is a visual picture of John 10:10 and a visual of Jesus coming and giving His life so we could live free from sin John 10:11.
Hope is Alive, Change the World, Impact futures!
John 3:16

Friday, October 12, 2012

Are We a Trustworthy Vessel for God to use?

As I continue now my 2nd year at Charis Bible College I’m faced with the greatest task, being able to fit my testimony in 10min or less. How do I put all that God has done in my life since August of 2009 into just 10min?
Thats when God brought me on a journey, back to the basics of why I’m in Colorado Springs attending a Bible college. He brought me back to the simple yet terrifying 4 words, “Do you trust ME!” (God)

He brought me back to the message He gave me sitting in a cabin at a church camp where I had no intentions on actually “finding” God, truth is God found me. It’s not that I was lost, just not on the right path, the path that God wanted for me.

As I got ready to go to bed I was restless, didn't want to sleep even though the thoughts of me running a 5K race the next Saturday morning begged me to sleep. I began to talk to God, I wasn't sure what about so I just thanked Him for where He’s placed me. Thoughts of my testimony filled my mind as God posed a new question on me, a question that brings my whole message deeper.

Once we can say we trust God no matter what we face in this world, are we then able to ask God to trust us as we offer our bodies as empty vessels for God to possess and use.

Can God trust us with His love?
Will we use it for our gain or the gain of Christ?
Can God trust us with our minds?
Have our minds really been renewed?
When we’re alone, what does our imagination create?
Have we really offered up our bodies truly empty of self wants or habits?
Will God have to look through the junk that sin carries?
Will Jesus have to continue to carry the burden of our sins?

There is so much power inside of us when we have Christ inside but have we tapped into it?

Are we ready to tap Jesus into this fight and let Him take care of it or are we too busy trying to fight a battle alone?
What looks better, giving God the glory in everything or taking the podium as number 1.
Who gets the greater glory when we give God our all?
We get everything because through Jesus Christ we are made greater, but its only through Him

Are you willing to be an empty vessel for God, for Him to flow His power through.
Are you ready to tap into the I.V bag that’s full of Gods blessings?

Are you really able to trust God with everything?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Get ready for something that will go against the very doctrine of what you believe!

What fires you up?
What makes the gospel come alive in you?
What is it that ignites the fire and power of the Holy Spirit and causes it to burn ramped through your body?

What is the one thing that makes you feel safe, secure, and happy?

Through the struggles of life people of all ages look for that one thing that makes them feel whole.
Through the pains, the breakups, the heart ache people are searching for something that mends there broken lives.

Even in the church today there are people still searching for that fill.
They’re still searching for that thing that will make them truly happy, truly satisfied, still searching for the thing that fills the void and emptiness.

People go to church and are filled with nothing but condemnation, are told to reflect on their past sins and cry out to God to save them from their past.

Did God not send His only begotten son to this earth?
Not to condemn the world, but to save it.
Not to destroy or break the law, but to fulfill it.
Not to teach fire and brimstone, but to teach love, forgiveness, and the kingdom.

There are so many parts to the kingdom of heaven that we as a generation now, as well as generations past that can’t or don’t want to grasp the truth and let go of the lies.

When Jesus was on the earth he went about healing all that were sick and oppressed of the devil. People put both things together to say that He didn’t teach on healing, which is correct but if you remember grammar class you know that when “and” is put into a sentence it’s essentially say “healing all that were sick as well as oppressed of the devil”
When Jesus was on the earth, when He taught on sin and condemnation He never said that we had to do what the religious leaders did and tear our clothes and fall on our faces crying out to God to save us. That is essentially what the church calls people to do, they call people to the alter so they can wail and plead for God to save and forgive us.

Every time I hear a pastor call people to the front of a church so they can plead and ask God to save us from our sins I imagine God in heaven looking over to Jesus who is shaking His head saying now haven’t you already taken their sins away? Haven’t you already taken away condemnation? Didn’t I send you to the earth so you could save the lost and the hurting?

I’m not saying that we don’t have to come to God and accept Him, but by going up to an alter or whatever and pleading to God and causing snot to run out of our nose just for Him to save our sins is actually putting Jesus on the cross again and again because we don’t believe He could’ve taken away every single sin we will ever commit, every single ounce of condemnation for past sins.

Jesus never said we had to rent our clothes and heap ashes on our head when we accept Him, it should be a joyful time. A time filled with His Love and compassion, a time for Jesus to come in and cleans us white as snow, tears of joy instead of looking like we’re crying because we enjoyed what we were doing before and now having to live a godly life.

As a believer in God if you believe that we have to come to God with our heads low and tails in between our legs because we did something wrong, then Jesus died for nothing. Jesus came so we could have our heads held high, come to the father and simply say God I’m sorry, help me, give me strength, help me renew my mind and change my attitude.
We know that when Jesus died on that cross it was for whatever we just brought to God, and that we no longer need to live in condemnation, we’re free!

Most people translate what I said into meaning we can do whatever we want without needing to come to God, they see no condemnation as no longer needing to worry about what we do or say. That’s mostly because we still want to do those things (sins), whether it’s words or actions. We want to have a fire insurance policy, yet break every clause in the manual (Gods word).

When I see people not living to their full potential, only doing what they want because it’s easy it bugs me. It’s much easier to blame God for things than to look at our own life and see the real cause, they rather say that God is causing them to suffer so we can soon triumph.

So if it’s Gods will for you to suffer how can it also be His will for you to triumph?
Would someone come up to you with the intent to kill you, knock you down and beat you until you could hardly breathe then tell you to stand up and take your best shot?

If it’s really Gods will for you to suffer on this earth then suffer! But don’t keep telling people that you just got back from the doctors and he or she said you only had a few more weeks to live and act depressed. If it’s truly Gods will that you only have a few weeks of life left then at least be happy about it.

If you knew that it’s not God killing you or causing you to suffer then you can change your destiny, cancer may run in your family, arthritis may be in your family, but when you accept Jesus into your life as your personal Lord and Savior you get a new family tree and I can say with much belief that there is absolutely no sickness on Gods family tree, there’s no suffering, no condemnation. I was always wondering if there was more to God than what I was taught, I couldn’t understand the belief that God gives and takes away. When Job said that, it was because He was hurting. Job wasn’t a prophet, he was just a man that praised God all the time and satan said he could change that, in the end of the book he apologized for the wrongs that he said or did.

I could get more in depth with a lot of things, if you have any more questions or comments just hit me up on facebook or even on here. I’ll be happy to help you and if I don’t personally know can direct you to someone who I’ve learned from. A lot of what I’ve learned hasn’t come from teachings, most of it came from reading Gods word for how it is, not for how religions or theology teaches it. Thank you all for reading my blog and hope that in some way it can peak your interest to learn who the God of the universe really is!





